Spondylosis, Deformans, Calcaneal Spur(Heel Pain), Knee Arthritis, Shoulder Joint, Elbow Joint, Myositis, Myalgia(Muscle Pains) Sciticapain, Hip Arthritis
Eczema, Neuroder matitis, Toxiderma tosis, Psoriasis
Facial nerve, Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia
Chronic Colitis, Constipation, Doodenal Ulcers, Chronic Pancreatitis, Cholecystitis, Billary Tract Dyskinesia, Lever Cirrhosis, Chronic Gastritis Liver Fatty Degeneration
Bronchial Asthma, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Allergic Rhinitis
Diffused thyroid enlargement(Thyrotoxicosis)
Just by applying pressure on specific points on the body,hands and feet. Acupressure opens the blocked channels and improve the blood and energy circulation in the area affected. Acupressure is worldwide accepted for its quick results and healing chronic problems.
Many problems such as cervical, back pain, frozen shoulder, constipation, headache, migrain, urinary problems, heart problems, eye problems, gas,acidity, joints pain, arthritis, uric acid, cholestrol, prostate, legs pain, cramps and many other problems can be cured through Acupressure.
We have special treatment for Height Gain through Acupressure by applying magnets and colours on specific points on hands. Thousands of Children have been helped by this treatment for the growth of their height.
We have a dedicated team of acupressure therapists who provide healing sessions at our centre and we also provide home sessions to the patients who can not visit us. We use colour therapy, seed therapy, magnet therapy, moxibution, electroacupuncture, needling, cupping and other supporting modalities to give the client maximum and fastest results.